Forge Pricing

PXL Forge pricing is expressed in ADA and can be subject to change based on community input and current financial climate (ie. the price of ADA goes up thus making the entry barrier unreasonably high).

Attribute Pricing

All of the attributes will be priced based on their rarity in the overall 10K collection.

As such, in order to project how much all of them will cost, we need to assign a price to the cheapest of them which is the least rare Genesis PXL attribute, the Gold Chain.

The Gold Chain price is currently set at 10 ADA per forge operation.

We can now easily calculate the pricing for forging any other of the 69 attributes in the collection by applying this simple formula:

PoA: Price of the attribute we want to calculate (in ADA) PoGC: Price of the Gold Chain attribute (currently 10 ADA) RoGC: Rarity of the Gold Chain attribute (2557) RoA: Rarity of the attribute for which we went to calculate the price

By applying the same formula to all of the attributes we can generate the following pricing table (for a 10 ADA Gold Chain price):

Base Pricing

Current pricing PXL Base forging is still a WIP but the team has been fiddling with these numbers:

Last updated